Tasting Note from Whiskyfun:
Nose: raw, grassy, chalky, with bags of green apples and wee whiffs of beeswax, that’s everything we like. With water: green tobacco, bitters, fresh pumpernickel, gingerbread, ale, malt, hops. Nothing to throw.
Mouth (neat): excellent, waxy, super-grassy, rather wonderfully bitter and austere. This one kicks you in your teeth, and people are asking for more! With water: s-u-p-e-r-b. Rich, ale-y, with some malt extract, molasses, bitter beers and more pumpernickel. High class, never was such a pale whisky this thick and heavy. Good trick!
Finish: long, oily, waxy, bitter, leafy, bready… Lovely tobacco in the aftertaste.
Whiskyfun 的品酒筆記:
香氣:原始的、青草的、白堊的,帶有一袋袋青蘋果和淡淡的蜂蠟氣味,這就是我們喜歡的一切。 加水:綠色煙草、苦味酒、新鮮南瓜、薑餅、麥芽酒、啤酒花。 沒什麼可挑剔。
口感:極好,蠟質,超級草,相當奇妙的苦澀和朴素。 這讓你大吃一驚,人們要求更多! 加水後: 濃郁的麥芽酒,帶有一些麥芽提取物、糖蜜、苦啤酒和更多的南瓜粉。 優質,從未有過如此厚重的淡色威士忌。
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